
What should I pay attention to when operating the instrument?

Published by Farslim July 26,2021

What should I pay attention to when operating the instrument?

When we get a breast enhancement device, what should we pay attention to? Also what should I pay attention to when operating the butt suction machine enlargement?

The next thing is the note of the buttocks enhancement machine:

1. Keep the machine level to avoid shaking and collision.
2. Turn off the power and pull out plug when clean the buttock vacuum machine.
3. People with serious heart problems, diabetes mellitus and hepatitis are not suitable for operation with the machine.
4. Women during menstruation and pregnancy are not suitable for operation.
5. Scrub time should be controlled within 30 minutes with appropriate strength that customers feel comfortable.
6. Don’t apply the machine half hour before or after meals, people with empty stomach, fatigue; insufficient sleeping and weak health are not suitable for operation.
7. People with and blood productivity and spontaneous hemorrhage are not suitable for operation, including hemophilia, purpuric problems and leukemia.
8. People with serious skin allergic symptoms or acariasis are not suitable for operation.
9. People with malignant skin tumor or partial skin canker, fracture, varicosity, partial skin elasticity loss are not suitable for operation. People in drunk, thirsty or hungry situation should pay special attention.

breast lift machine vacuum

10. Wash filter regularly to ensure the machine effect and lifetime.
11. When pairing with essential oil, don’t apply too much essential oil or cosmetics to avoid damage the buttocks enhancement machine.
12. After application of the machine, turn the energy to the lowest point.
13. Don’t apply lymphatic detoxifying operation when you are annoyed with lymphadenitis.
14. Patients with myocardial infarction, phlebitis depravation and intravenous tumor are not suitable for operation.
15. Don’t apply the operation within three weeks after surgery for hyperthyroidism, pregnant women.
16. Patient with serious heart problems, diabetes mellitus and hepatitis are not suitable for scrub operation.
17. Women during menstruation are not suitable for scrub operation. Pregnant women can have light scrub operation to promote blood circulation
18. The scrub time shall not be too long, about half hour is ok with appropriate strength that customers feel comfortable.
19. Don’t apply the operation half hour before or after meals, people with empty stomach, fatigue; insufficient sleeping and weak health are not suitable for scrub operation.
20. After scrub operation, have a glass of warm water after test for a while, and then have warm hath to enhance the effect.
21. You would feel a little bit aching one or two days after scrub operation that is normal and would automatically disappear.

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Cavitation Machine