
Which machine is good for hair removal?

Published by Farslim June 16,2022

After experiencing the many pitfalls of shaving (ingrown hairs redness, irritation, and speedy re-growth), we're contemplating alternative hair removal methods this season. that body hair is a completely natural, normal thing, and you should absolutely not feel compelled to remove it if you don't want to—it's a personal choice. Summer is here and a lot of people are choosing to buy gadgets at home, who want to save some money, but are a little freaked about the idea of doing it at home, we've got you covered. However, the power of the small instrument itself is low, and the operation time needs to be more frequent; and more people will choose to go to the beauty hospital for whole body hair removal. But before the operation, we must understand why we need hair removal and how to do it?


Lasers work by emitting a beam of light that is absorbed by a specific target in the skin. In this case, the light is absorbed by pigment in the hair follicle to heat it up and destroy it, so the hair does not grow back. 808nm wavelength laser can penetrate skin epidermis to reach the deep hair follicle tissue, through specially set pulse duration to protect target tissue to produce enough heat damage, the surrounding tissue almost unaffected; Adequate energy density guarantees sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue within the appropriate time, and the normal tissue is also almost unaffected; the appropriate skin protection measures protect the target tissue enough damage, and the epidermis is almost unaffected, thus ensuring the safety of treatment. Hair follicle tissue and after absorbing the energy and heat of the laser is heated to about 50 degrees, hair follicle and growth stem cells that lose their growth activity, so as to achieve the purpose of permanent hair removal.


The process of laser hair removal is delicate and controllable, and it will not damage other skin tissues except hair follicles during regular operations. The current laser technology uses the principle of extended selective photothermal action, which can precisely control the heat diffusion range, only "burn off" the hair follicle, and the surrounding skin tissue is not damaged, and the safety is very high. As long as you go to a regular hospital to find an experienced doctor to operate, laser hair removal is one of the safest and most effective medical beauty treatments at present.


 Shave: Shave off facial hair, forehead, eyebrows, temples, cheeks, lips and other hairs. (two mins) Objective: The hair is black, the operation of Black will absorb a part of the light, the absorption of the skin will reduce the light, reduce the effect of care; black hair absorbs light, which increases the sting of the caregiver, so it needs to shave off the hair; If you don't shave off the hair, the small fluff that absorbs the light will remain in the skin part of the heat, May increase the sensitivity of the skin.

Gelatinize: 808 Light Care is a gel: In doing 808 light care items, must be in the care of the site evenly smear 3-5mm thick gel (two minutes) (if you do hair removal project needs to shave the hair before the condensation gel). function: The condensing gum belongs to the Guide light agent, has the town net, the cooling, the guiding light function. The gel is forbidden to be reused and discarded. Taboo: When applying gel to avoid eyes, eyebrows, lips, these belong to the forbidden treatment area.

 Eye Protection: Ask the caregiver to close his eyes and cover it with a wet cotton patch or a professional eye patch. Role: To prevent the caregivers from seeing strong light and tension, play a soothing role. 
6 Test Sensitivity: Adjust the safety parameters in the ear to do two to three spots, observe three minutes. Function: Appear allergy phenomenon to continue operation.

Operation: To adjust the operation of the parameters in order to fit the caregiver. (20 minutes) 8 Apply surface: After the operation of the gel to stay in the face for 20 minutes, 9 Cleaning: Use cold water to clean the parts of the gel, apply the care after repair products.

For hair removal, we must choose a good beauty salon hair removal machine. And which machine is good for hair removal?

beauty salon hair removal machine

Laser hair removal device is a compact-sized tool that packs a powerful punch when it comes to removing hair—fast. It glides over your skin accompanied by its 150,000 pulses per minute. Holding it down to target one hairy spot is super-easy. "This new compact version uses light-based technology, which is FDA-cleared for permanent hair reduction for the entire face and body," Dr. Sobel explains. "I like that it features a new high-tech applicator that allows you to properly target and zone in on smaller area such as the upper lip, arms, or bikini area." To see long-lasting results, employ this device every other week for two months. "This device is ideal if you have dark hair and can be used both on the face and on the body,

laser ipl permanent hair removal machine

Semiconductor laser technology is a very ideal laser hair removal system at present. It is based on the principle of selective photothermal theory, so that aspecific wavelength of laser penetration of the epidermis (without damage to the epidermis) hair follicles, dry hair melanin selectively absorbs laser energy, hair follicles heated solidification necrosis, hair will no longer grow. After repeated clinical application, the efficacy of reliable, and through the United States FDA certification. Compared with electrical needle removal: Laser and electro-acupuncture technology can achieve permanent hair removal, but in comparison, the electrical needle hair removal pain, long time, and easy to leave a pigment and scars, and laser hair removal faster, more comfortable and less side effects. Compared with traditional laser hair removal: the previously used laser and non-laser light source (strong light) removal of Ruby (694nm) laser (Epilaser,epitouch,chro-mos) and Green Gem (755nm) laser (PHOTGENICALPIR). Melanin cells in normal skin have strong absorption of these two wavelengths, the normal tissue that has a reddish-colored skin around the hair follicle is very poorly absorbed, which is especially good for people with less melanin cells and has black or brown hair; for the people of the Asian States, there are certain side effects, such as pigmentation, pigmentation, Because Ruby laser hair removal therapy is limited to the melanin in the epidermal cells, and the melanin in the epidermis may interfere with laser penetrating the epidermis, so that the energy in hair follicle germinal cells decreases and the effect of hair removal is affected. But the green gem laser hair removal effect is good, but the side effect is relatively many. So the two kinds of laser treatment have been fewer and less.


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